Sunday, May 27, 2012

(A brief) About UCSD

Uc San Diego was founded in 1960 as a research institution. Over time, the small research institution bloomed into the thriving university it is today.

UCSD is divided into six colleges (Revelle, Warren, Marshal, Muir, Roosevelt, and Sixth) all operating together to form one university. Confusing? It was for me in the beginning too. Think of it like Hogwarts.   Inside of Hogwarts, the students are divided into four different houses (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin), and all four houses together complete the school. When applying to UCSD, you will be required to rank these six colleges according to preference of attendance. If you don't know anything about them, don't worry. You'll be provided with brief over-view of each college before ranking them on a 1-6 scale. (1 being most desirable, and 6 being least desirable.) Or you can click here...

 Each college at UCSD has a slightly different requirement of class. So, you have your general education requirements (the same for everyone),  university requirements (also the same for everyone), and college requirements (specific to you and the other students in your assigned college).  Check out the above link for more info.

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